Name Changes

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Name Changes Attorney In Hampton Roads

Why Choose Us For Your Name Change

At Cheryl Eddy Benn, P.C., we understand that the decision to change your name is a deeply personal one that can reflect a range of life events or personal choices. Whether you're considering a name change due to marriage, divorce, or any other reason, our dedicated legal team is here to guide you through the process with compassion and professionalism.

With extensive experience in family law, at Cheryl Eddy Benn, P.C. we are committed to making the name change process as seamless as possible. We are well-versed in state and local regulations and can help you avoid common pitfalls that may delay your request.

Contact Cheryl Eddy Benn, P.C. to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 757-895-7493

The Name Change Process

Navigating the legalities involved in changing your name can be complicated. Our approach is tailored to support you through each step:

  • Consultation: Schedule a private consultation to discuss your unique circumstances.
  • Documentation: We’ll help you compile and complete all necessary forms, including the petition for a name change.
  • Filing: Our team will ensure that your documents are properly filed with the court.
  • Hearing Assistance: If required, we will represent you during any court hearings related to your name change.
  • Finalization: After the judge approves your name change, we assist with updating your name on government IDs and official records.

Contact Us

Choosing to change your name is a significant step, and we're here to ensure it's taken with the right footing. For personalized guidance, advice, and legal representation regarding your name change, please contact Cheryl Eddy Benn, P.C. at 757-895-7493, or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation.

At Cheryl Eddy Benn, P.C., your new beginning starts with a name that you choose for yourself, legally recognized with the respect and dignity you deserve.


Implementing a name change under family law can provide a fresh start or align your legal identity with your lived experience. Turn to Cheryl Eddy Benn, P.C. to help make your preferred name official with confidence and ease.

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